A family history website dedicated to the Male-Mail-Mayle-Mayhle-Mahle lineage
Matches 1 to 9 of 9
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | Last appears 1830 census, Frederick County | Male, James (I9)
2 | Last appears on 1840 Virginia Census of Pensioners | Male, Wilmore (I6)
3 | Probated July 1845 | Male, Richard (I10)
4 | Probated March 1848 | Male, William (I8)
5 | Sometime after 1792 - Wilmore Sr and Wilmore Jr last appear together on the 1792 Hampshire County, VA personal property tax lists. | Male, William (I1)
6 | Traditional family history holds that a Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Cockett was the wife of Wilmore. This seems unlikely give that this individual was born in 1716. The last documented birth date for their children was William in 1760, and we know that George, James and Richard were all born subsequently. This would put the last birth around 1763, meaning that this Mary would have given birth successfully at the age of approximately 45, 46 and 47. In addition, this Mary was born 70 miles away from Dover, while the Mary I contend to be the wife of Wilmore was born around 15-20 miles away in the same county. | Cocket, Mary (I2)
7 | Wiliam born 1760, 18 months after assumed | Male, James (I9)
8 | William last born in England in 1760. James Estimated at 1761, Richard in 1763 | Male, Richard (I10)
9 | William last born in England in 1760. James Estimated at 1761, Richard in 1763, George in 1764 | Male, George (I11)
I make every effort to document my research and always welcome new submissions as well as corrections. Please feel free to contact me - I would love to hear from you!